Game Changers
in HealthTech
What are the most thrilling new developments in healthtech? Which new trends are we looking forward to? What's in store for healthtech? What new opportunities might Styria, as a thriving hub for life sciences, bring to the table in this regard?
These and other questions will be addressed at the 7th Health Tech Hub Styria, which will take place on March 25 and 26 in the auditorium of the Medical University of Graz. The event will focus on identifying technologies with the potential to transform the healthtech sector.
Tickets available now!
About us
The Health Tech Hub Styria is an initiative of 8 leading stakeholders in the Styrian innovation system.

This was the Health Tech Hub Styria 2024
Photos by Oliver Wolf.
For whom
HTH brings together all members of the healthcare ecosystem.
What would an ecosystem be without fresh ideas?
Even the best idea needs financial support to grow.
A backbone of every business ecosystem
eHealth Experts
A modern healthcare industry cannot be conceived without digitisation.
Progress needs research, especially in the health sector.
The diversity of companies in the healthcare space is huge, from small digital start-ups to large, manufacturing industrial companies – and everything in between.
Health care providers
They work very directly for our common objective: the health of each and every person.
What we do
Collaboration for innovation
Participants at HTH24 will have access to a wide range of relevant players in technology transfer, university-industry collaboration and early-stage innovation. We have seen that fostering a European marketplace for pre-seed and seed investment in health tech and life sciences can help secure our future.

Contact us!
Do you have questions, ideas or suggestions?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!